Apuntes sobre networking
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Institución Universitaria Colegio Mayor del Cauca
Establecer redes de contacto o Networking, es un imperativo del mundo actual, no solo para quienes realizan negocios sino para quienes ejercen labores de asesoría o consultoría bien como una actividad profesional o desde la docencia. Las redes permiten el adquirir o compartir conocimientos, información, inversiones y experiencias que a todos enriquecen.
Nowadays, to establish nets of contact or Networking is a must, not only for those who do businesses but also for those ones who work in advising or consultancy as a professional activity as well as in the teaching area. In order to enrich everybody, nets let to acquire or to share knowledge, information, investments and experiences.
Nowadays, to establish nets of contact or Networking is a must, not only for those who do businesses but also for those ones who work in advising or consultancy as a professional activity as well as in the teaching area. In order to enrich everybody, nets let to acquire or to share knowledge, information, investments and experiences.
Redes sociales, Networking