Quintero, Olga Regina2022-09-292022-09-292009http://repositorio.unimayor.edu.co/handle/dspace/499El presente texto desarrolla un camino acerca de las diversas visiones de la pedagogía, su evolución, concepciones y la necesaria interrelación con las disciplinas, siendo la pedagogía un elemento presente en las áreas del saber y la vida, siempre se la ha tomado como punto de referencia cuando se quiere conducir hacia un comportamiento deseado.We hove heard the Word PEDAGOGY many times, but probably nof many people know the meaning of this concept it has been frequently used, especially when it is necessary to improve human altitudes and behavior in society. This article presenfs the different conceptions abouf pedagogy from early times, authors and cultures. The concepts are shown in relation to human beings, their confext personal evolution, the close relation with society and ifs development and how pedagogy is nourished with other sciences lt also shows concepts of education and pedagogy and the differences between pedagogue as the person who knows, explains and theorizes about educa/ion and the schoolmaster as the person who works on the practical side of it. All these visions empower us fo hove differenf views on the challenge of education.esAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 Internationalhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/PedagogíaEnseñanzaDocenciaAprendizajeEducaciónLa pedagogía como arte y cienciaArticulo