Estado del arte y análisis de las finanzas como una ciencia
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Institución Universitaria Colegio Mayor del Cauca
Desde épocas muy remotas, la obtención de recursos para poder subsistir ha sido de gran importancia; el hombre siempre buscaba la manera de administrar esos recursos para sacarles el mejor provecho y por consiguiente obtener beneficios.
De acuerdo al estudio cronológico de las finanzas, a lo largo de la historia, los sistemas monetarios utilizados, han condicionado su impacto, en todo momento al tema del manejo de las Finanzas y la salud financiera de las empresas, el que ha sido un punto focal en la elaboración de las estrategias de éstos, pues los dueños exigen un rendimiento del capital invertido, además de mantener una imagen sólida en el mercado, a la cual contribuye con especial connotación el desempeño financiero histórico.
En cualquier campo, las finanzas son la clave para que una persona, empresa, gobierno o Estado puedan lograr la estabilidad económica y el éxito al alcanzar sus respectivos objetivos. Por eso, a las finanzas también se les llama el arte de la administración de dinero. Sin esa capacidad de administración, sólo se puede esperar el fracaso económico en lugar de un futuro seguro. Así mismo, en los años transcurridos del presente siglo, en diferentes foros económicos mundiales, se plantea un nuevo paradigma que consiste en unir el principio de libertad de mercado con el equilibrio social, lo que hace que las organizaciones de cualquier tipo oriente su atención a evaluar los resultados alcanzados contemplando esta nueva situación, orientando su toma de decisiones.
Since a very long time ago, the purpose of getting resources to survive has been really importan!, the man had always looked for the way to manage !hose resources in order to take advantage of them and so gel sorne benefits. According to the chronological study of finance, through the history, the monetary system used has conditioned its impact to the Finance and the financia! health of the enterprises at every moment, what has been a crucial aspee! when developing strategies of them, since besides requiring a yield from the investments, the owners ask for a strong image which contributes with a very special connotation to the historie financia! performance. At any field and for any person, enterprise, government or State finance is the key to get the economic stability and the success in order to reach their objectives. Thus, finance is also called the art of running money. Without the capacity of running a business, the only thing that could be expected is the economical failure instead of a save future. Likewise, during the years of this century, in the different economical forums a new paradigm is set; this consists on joining the principie of market freedom to the social equality, what makes any kind of organization leads its attention to evaluate the reached outcomes taking into account this new situation that guides their making decisions.
Since a very long time ago, the purpose of getting resources to survive has been really importan!, the man had always looked for the way to manage !hose resources in order to take advantage of them and so gel sorne benefits. According to the chronological study of finance, through the history, the monetary system used has conditioned its impact to the Finance and the financia! health of the enterprises at every moment, what has been a crucial aspee! when developing strategies of them, since besides requiring a yield from the investments, the owners ask for a strong image which contributes with a very special connotation to the historie financia! performance. At any field and for any person, enterprise, government or State finance is the key to get the economic stability and the success in order to reach their objectives. Thus, finance is also called the art of running money. Without the capacity of running a business, the only thing that could be expected is the economical failure instead of a save future. Likewise, during the years of this century, in the different economical forums a new paradigm is set; this consists on joining the principie of market freedom to the social equality, what makes any kind of organization leads its attention to evaluate the reached outcomes taking into account this new situation that guides their making decisions.
Finanzas, Administración del dinero